Strona: Scholarships / A guide for high school graduates


The right to material assistance benefits is granted to full-time and part-time students, irrespective of age, studying at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level.

A student may apply for benefits in the form of:

  • social grant,
  • scholarship for the people with disablities,
  • Rector's scholarship,
  • Minister's scholarship for significant achievements,

Persons with disabilities may apply for additional support from the budget grant for tasks related to creating conditions for all students and doctoral students to fully participate in the education process.



Laureates and finalists of central level olympiads, laureates of international and national competitions may be admitted to the university without an enrolment procedure. These persons may receive the rector's scholarship already in the first semester of their studies. Moreover, the rector's scholarship may be awarded to a first year student who is a medalist in at least one sport competition for the title of Polish Champion in a given sport.

You can find out more about material aid under Frequently Asked Questions and on the website of Student Benefits.